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How Cannabis Can Help Improve Your Social Skills

How Cannabis Can Help Improve Your Social Skills

Many people find it hard to connect with others or have social anxiety about going out. That feeling of being disconnected from the social life and habits you were accustomed to is more common than ever, especially in the post-pandemic world.

Lockdowns and social distancing made us all feel a bit isolated. We got used to staying apart, and for many, it's been difficult to jump back into social life.

For some of us, we never felt that strong social connection, and meeting up with friends on a weekend or after work felt more like a chore than something we looked forward to. Scared of making some faux par or too concerned about how we are being perceived and judged to ever feel relaxed.

But there's good news: cannabis can help give you a little boost when it comes to socializing and feeling confident around others.

Cannabis, also called marijuana, has been used for a long time to help with problems like anxiety and depression. It can also help you feel more creative and improve your mood. But did you know it can also help you improve your social skills? Here's how.

Understanding THC and CBD

Before we talk about how cannabis can help, it's important to understand the two main parts of cannabis: THC and CBD.

  • THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the part of the cannabis plant that makes you feel "high." It helps release dopamine, which is a chemical that makes you feel happy and excited. THC's effects usually kick in within 1 to 30 minutes after you use it and can last for about 2 hours.
  • CBD (Cannabidiol), on the other hand, does not make you feel high. It is often used in medical marijuana because it can help with anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. CBD can come in many forms, like oils, gummies, or creams. The effects of CBD usually last from 2 to 6 hours, depending on how much you take.

3 Ways Cannabis Can Help Your Social Life

Many people say cannabis helps them feel less anxious in social situations. Social anxiety is when you feel nervous or worried about being around other people. This can make it hard to join in conversations or be around crowds. Here are three ways cannabis might help you feel more comfortable and improve your social skills:

1. Cannabis Can Make Your Speech More Fluent

Talking with people is a big part of being social. For a good conversation, you need to be able to listen well and speak clearly. If you're worried about saying the right thing or feel like you're tripping over your words, cannabis might help.

Cannabis can help you relax and find a natural flow in your speech. This means you might find it easier to express your thoughts and ideas without feeling nervous or stumbling over your words. People might even notice how smoothly you speak when you're feeling more at ease.


2. Cannabis Can Improve Your Memory for Conversations

Being a good listener is just as important as speaking well. You need to remember what others are saying and respond thoughtfully. This is where CBD can help by improving something called "verbal episodic memory." This type of memory helps you recall what someone said earlier so you can keep the conversation going smoothly.

Sometimes, it's tough to keep up in conversations, especially if you're feeling distracted or tired. Cannabis can help you focus better on what people are saying and remember it later. This way, you can avoid awkward pauses and feel more confident in your social interactions.


3. Cannabis Can Reduce Anxiety

Many people feel nervous about what others think of them or how they look or sound. This worry can turn into social anxiety, which makes people want to avoid social situations altogether. But cannabis, especially with a mix of THC and CBD, can help calm those anxious feelings.

Cannabis works by changing how blood flows in the brain, which can help reduce anxiety. This makes it easier to stay calm and engaged when talking to others. Feeling more relaxed can help you enjoy social events more and not feel as stressed about what others might think.

How to Use Cannabis to Improve Social Skills

There are different ways to use cannabis, depending on where you are and what you're doing. Some people find that using a mix of THC and CBD oils or edibles works best. These products take longer to work because they need to be digested, but the effects last longer, keeping you calm throughout the day without feeling "too high."

This can be helpful if you want to stay relaxed but still need to focus on your day-to-day tasks.

If you're going to a party, concert, or another social event, smoking or vaping cannabis can be a quicker option. Vape pens are small and discreet, so you could simply take one out with you and take a few puffs to get almost instant relief from anxiety episodes.

With vapes, the effects kick in fast, and you'll feel more at ease when meeting and talking to new people. 


It's normal to feel a bit nervous when socializing, especially after a long time apart from friends and family. But cannabis can help. By helping you speak more smoothly, remember conversations better, and feel less anxious, cannabis can give you the extra boost you need to improve your social skills.
Take care if you plan to be drikning as alcohol and cannbis don't always go well together. Its better to keep your alcohol to a minmum if taking cannabis.
Whether it's through an vape, an edible, or a quick smoke, there's a way to use cannabis that can help make your social life more enjoyable and stress-free.

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