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What Is Greening Out, And How To Sober Up If You Get Too High?

What Is Greening Out, And How To Sober Up If You Get Too High?

Cannabis, also known as weed, is popular for both medical and recreational use. Many people enjoy its relaxing effects, but sometimes you can have too much, and that's when things might go wrong.

When you consume too much weed, you might experience what's known as "greening out." This can cause some uncomfortable symptoms like anxiety, nausea, dizziness, sweating, and a fast heart rate.

What is Greening Out?

Have you ever felt sick after smoking a lot of weed? Maybe you felt anxious, dizzy, or even threw up. These are signs of greening out. While you can't overdose on cannabis like you can with drugs like cocaine or alcohol, you can still have a bad experience.

We've all been there at some point, enjoying the perfect joint, nibbling on a delicious cookie or puffing on a wax pen, then suddenly you get brain fog, your heart starts thumping, your skin is clammy, and you feel dizzy, its that moment when you realize you overdid it, and you're too high.

Maybe those edibles kicked in late, or holding in that bog rip was a bad idea, or perhaps you had your first dab and underestimated how potent concentrates are. The first thing to remember is like it says on the cover of the Hitchhikers Guide, DON'T PANIC.

The good news is that greening out won't cause permanent harm, but it can be very unpleasant. It's essential to be extra careful if you mix weed with other substances or if you have health problems.

What Makes You Green Out?

Everyone's body reacts differently to cannabis. Some people have a higher tolerance, meaning they can handle more weed without feeling sick. The main cause of greening out is THC, the chemical in weed that makes you feel high. When you consume too much THC, it can make you feel sick.

Sometimes, the weed you smoke might have chemicals from fertilizers or pesticides, which can also make you feel sick. But even people who smoke organic weed can green out. It's more common in people who don't smoke weed often, but even regular users can experience it.


Symptoms of Being Too High

If you're too high, you will likely know it, but sometimes people are not sure if they have crossed that line. Here are a few signs to look for.

Anxiety, Nausea, Panic, Dizziness, Confusion, Paranoia, Excessive Sweating.


Blood Sugar Levels and Greening Out

Cannabis usually helps with nausea, but too much can have the opposite effect. This might be because of your blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar is low, you might feel lightheaded, dizzy, or anxious. THC can lower your blood sugar, so you might green out if you haven't eaten well. If you feel dizzy, try having a sugary drink or sweet food to help balance your blood sugar.

Mixing Alcohol with Weed

Many people like to drink alcohol and smoke weed together, but this can increase your chances of greening out. Alcohol makes your body absorb THC faster, which can make you feel much higher than usual. This can be dangerous because both alcohol and weed can slow down your nervous system, affecting your heart rate and breathing.

Also, cannabis makes it harder for you to throw up, which is your body's way of getting rid of too much alcohol. If you drink a lot and then smoke weed, you might not be able to vomit properly, increasing your risk of alcohol poisoning.

How to Avoid Greening Out

Despite the risks, you can still enjoy alcohol and weed together if you're careful. Remember the saying: "Beer before grass, you're on your ass; grass before beer, and you're in the clear." This means it's better to smoke weed before you drink. Smoking weed will make you feel the effects of alcohol more quickly, so drink slowly and don't have as much as usual.

The Dangers of Greening Out

No one has ever died from consuming too much cannabis alone. However, mixing it with other drugs or having underlying health problems can be dangerous. It's important to be mindful of how much you consume and be aware of your body's reactions.

How to Sober Up from Having Too Much Weed

If you feel like you're greening out, here's what you can do:

  1. Don't Panic. Remember, you are okay. Most symptoms of greening out will go away in a few minutes to a few hours. Stay calm and try to relax. No one has ever died from consuming too much cannabis alone.
  2. Drink Water and Have Light Snacks. Keep hydrated and have a cold drink like water or juice. This helps with dry mouth and gives you something to focus on. Avoid alcohol, as it can make things worse. Light snacks like fruits, nuts, or cheese can help you feel more grounded.
  3. Know Your Limits. Before you smoke or consume cannabis, know how much you can handle. If you know that two puffs from a joint are enough for you, stick to that. Don't try to keep up with others who might have a higher tolerance or feel pressured into consuming more than you're comfortable with. Take it easy and consume slowly, especially if you're dealing with edibles.
  4. Chew Black Peppercorns. Chewing on black peppercorns or just sniffing them can help reduce anxiety and paranoia. Many people, including famous musician Neil Young, swear by this trick.
  5. Stay Calm and Rest. Find a quiet, comfortable place to relax. Take deep breaths and rest. Sometimes, taking a nap can help you feel better. If you can't sleep, lie down until you feel ready to get up.
  6. Go for a Walk. If you feel too anxious or restless, take a short walk. Fresh air and a change of scenery can help. Just ensure you stay close to home or have a friend with you. You do not want to be wandering off and getting lost while stoned; that will only add to the anxiety.
  7. Take a Shower or Bath. Taking a shower or bath can help you relax. Some people find that a cold shower helps them feel more alert and less high.
  8. Distract Yourself. Do something you enjoy to take your mind off how you're feeling. Watch a funny TV show, listen to music or your favorite podcast, play a game, or talk to friends. Anything that makes you feel good and distracted can help.

Bonus Tip #1: Try Some CBD CBD can help counteract the effects of too much THC because it doesn't bind to the brain's CB1 receptors like THC does. It can reduce anxiety and balance the intensity of the high.

Bonus Tip #2: Squeeze a Lemon The citrusy scent and taste of a lemon might help you sober up. The terpene limonene, found in lemons and some cannabis strains, has anxiety-reducing effects. Try sucking on a lemon slice or using its juice for a tart treat.

Bonus Tip #3: Take Some Ibuprofen A study found that ibuprofen can counteract some effects of THC. If you have ibuprofen, take a safe dose with water and food to help reduce your high.


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